China‘s growing military assertiveness

Jul 30, 2015, 10:17 am

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A recent sea drill conducted by the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy./ Source from Xinhua News Agency 

By Hong Soon-do, Beijing correspondent, AsiaToday - It seems that China is now showing its assertiveness in its military sector as well after leaving behind its past discreet attitude of so-called 'Tao Guang Yang Hyu', which means 'waiting for the right time while building strength.' In short, we can say that China is making a confident step further to become a military superpower. Moreover, China is openly taking proactive and assertive attitude without looking at the US and Japan.

Such assertion is not an exaggeration looking at the recent reports of China's state-run media outlets, including the People's Liberation Army Daily (PLA Daily). China is now proudly revealing its military actions.

One example is the recent large-scale sea drills in the South China Sea, reported by the PLA Daily on July 29. China conducted air and sea drills involving more than 100 ships, dozens of aircraft as well as missile troops on July 28. It is said to be the largest joint air and sea drills involving many types of missiles, torpedoes, shells and bombs.
Back on July 19, three Chinese warships went through the Miyako waterway located between the Japanese islands of Miyako and Okinawa before arriving at the waters where they began the exercise. The drill was clearly intended to demonstrate Chinese naval might to the United States and Japan.

Not only that, China's careful examination of building military bases on the Maldives, an island country in the Indian Ocean, can e seen as a part of its new assertive military strategy. Although China's foreign military officially denied about it recently, India and the neighboring countries of the Maldives are taking it as an established fact.

China has been watching its tone of voice toward the United States. However, it changed a lot in recent years. As the United States sought to increase its involvement in a territorial dispute between China and Southeast Asian countries over the South China Sea, China rejected its involvement. China also announced its goal of building a strong military in its new defense white paper released in May. At the same time, it is not only strengthening its military power but also taking active actions towards localization of high-tech weapons. Recent military trainings and actions come from its military assertiveness. Its neighboring countries are seeing a worrying future as China seeks to expand its military power.

#China #military superpower #US #Japan #assertiveness 
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