Lee Byung-hun cast in movie ‘Terminator 5’

Apr 02, 2014, 10:35 am

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Actor Lee Byung-hun has been cast in the movie 'Terminator 5'.

On March 31, The Hollywood Reporter reported that Lee Byung-hun is starring in the movie 'Terminator: Genesis'.

According to the report, Lee will be playing a key role, although his role is not yet revealed.

'Terminator: Genesis' is a trilogy about the younger years of Sarah Connor and Jon Connor's father, Kyle Reese. Arnold Schwarzenegger is playing Terminator, Emilia Clarke is portraying Sarah Connor, and Jason Clarke will be John Connor. Alan Taylor, who directed 'Thor: Dark World', will hold the megaphone for this film.

Lee Byung-hun proved his acting skills in Hollywood through 'G.I. Joe' and 'Red 2'.

#Lee Byung-hun #Terminator 5 
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